The other day I was sitting on the couch, tucked under my favorite blanket and happily typing on my laptop. I had a warm mug of hot chocolate and foamy marshmallows by my side. Early winter dusk had just fallen. And soft, quiet snowflakes were drifting past the window. In that moment, cuddled up in my little nook of the universe, I realized how much I love the winter.
Now I know hearing that might make some people take up weapons and call me a liar. I’m sure my friends from California think I’m a sociopath for liking ANYTHING about this cold time of year, but hear me out! There are a lot of reasons to love the winter. I can think of a whole grocery list of reasons why I adore having all four seasons where I live, including this one, and frankly I’m sick of reading articles about winter hatred. To help you see where I’m coming from, here are fourteen reasons to love this nippy time of year.

1. The Snow
Let’s get one thing straight: I hate driving in snowstorms and skidding on ice just as much as the next person. But now that I work from home, I no longer have to suffer through snowy commutes. And when you don’t have to drive in the snow, it’s much easier to appreciate how much snow adds to the ambience of winter. Don’t you remember how much fun it was when school was cancelled on snow days? And how awesome it was to play in the snow and go sledding? Maybe I’m too old to appreciate such frivolities, but I sure do love to watch the snow fall. It’s so pretty and definitely a reason to love the winter.
2. Endless Excuses to Stay Inside
If you haven’t figured it out yet, I am an introvert. And as such, my favorite thing on earth besides a peaceful evening is a reason to cancel plans. In the winter, my excuses to cancel a night out—or not even plan one at all—are endless! Snow is in the forecast? Cancel. Too busy preparing for the holidays? Cancel. Feeling a tickle in my throat that COULD be an encroaching cold? Cancel. Feeling tired or lazy or too stressed or just cold? Nobody thinks you’re a flake for staying in in the winter, and I admit that I take advantage of this fact a little too often . . . Baby, it’s cold outside! We all get it.

3. Everyone Asks Me for Book Recommendations
With everybody spending chilly nights inside, winter is the season for readers. Even non-readers are looking for something cozy to do, so this is the time of year when people come out of the woodwork asking for book recommendations. Which I’m all too eager to share! After hunting down good reads all year long, it’s frankly a relief to share my list and FINALLY have someone to talk to about my favorite books. Or the books I wanted to love but ended up hating. Discussing books is the stuff that winter friendships are made of.
4. Christmas Music & Magic
I know it’s January now, but how could I not mention Christmas being a reason to love the winter? Aside from all the bustle and fun and many holiday parties, Christmas is also a time to reflect on what matters most in life, whether that be the beautiful religious meaning of the holiday or the specialness of time with family and the spirit of giving. Everybody aside from Scrooge and Mr. Grinch LOVES Christmas, and even those guys came around by the end of their stories. There’s a reason for that! It feels like people are just more generous, understanding, and kind this time of year. And I’m totally the person who listens to Christmas music while wrapping presents and looking at my Christmas cards taped on my pantry door.

5. Great Movies & Hallmark Joy
Books aren’t he only form of beloved winter entertainment. I have fond memories of heading to the movie theater in the winter to see the latest blockbuster and dig into a bucket of buttery popcorn. To this day I still enjoy trips to the movie theater and all the joy to be had on the Hallmark channel. Andy and I have been watching cheesy winter rom coms all season long, making fun of their implausibility while also whimpering at their cuteness. And eating treats the whole time. I just love the winter movie magic that comes with this time of year.
6. Embracing My Introversion to the Max
It’s true that I love to stay inside, but what do I do while I’m at home, you ask? Write of course. Grab my warm rice bag straight from the microwave. Curl up in my blanket fort with a good book. Scroll through my Pinterest feed for cute winter outfits and new recipes that I may or may not ever make. Watch the snow fall outside while I read endless articles about the social sciences and think up new plots for fun stories. Blast my music and think about life or daydream about absolutely nothing at all. I love the winter and its endless opportunities to be the most introverty introvert who ever introverted.

7. Delicious Comfort Foods Galore
Speaking of Pinterest recipes, I love the winter because it’s an incredible time to cook. This is the season for soups, casseroles, freshly baked bread, and warm dessert. It’s a time for covering everything with melted cheese, soaking meats in delicious marinades, drinking hot wassail, and discovering new and fragrant spins on old favorites. This is the season of warm comfort foods, and I’m HERE for it! Last winter I discovered this roasted asiago onions recipe that my husband still asks me to make for him. THE FOOD, PEOPLE. I rest my case.
8. Surrounding Myself with Decorations
There’s nothing to make you love the winter like all the sparkly lights, seasonal décor, evergreen everything, and a scented candle or twenty. I surround myself with pretty things this time of year. And for me at least, I feel zero pressure to make the Christmas decorations disappear on December 26. My husband and I have a tradition of putting up our Christmas tree on Black Friday and leaving it up until Valentine’s Day. No joke. It was an accident the first time around, and then we realized that January is so much more cheerful with a tree in the house. I highly recommend this practice.
9. Cold Weather Cuddles and Romance
There’s a reason the Hallmark Channel exists. Winter is a naturally romantic time. I’m probably biased since Andy told me he loved me for the first time right before New Year’s, but still! Snow falling softly around you is the perfect setting to declare your feelings for that special someone. In some Asian countries, Christmastime is specifically a season of couples, and then you have Valentine’s Day shortly thereafter. And what are you doing all through the cold dark winter? Snuggling up with your bae and FALLING IN LOVE. That’s what. I’m totally here for it.

10. My February Birthday
I’m a person who loves, I repeat, LOVES my birthday. I know birthdays can make people feel old or make you think about all the things you haven’t done in your life. But when you grew up as a well-behaved middle child who got ignored, having an entire day once a year to be the center of attention is awesome. I just love having an excuse to eat cheesecake, go to a fancy restaurant, and have an entire day of doing whatever I want to do guilt free. Plus, February is kind of a wretched month of the winter. It’s great to have a happy event to break up that stretch of cold despair.
11. Great Activities When I Do Go Out
Contrary to how it sounds so far, I don’t sit at home all winter long. When I do come out of hibernation, winter activities are kind of the best. I’m not exactly a skier, but I loved it the one time I tried it. And wintertime is absolutely perfect for shopping and eating out when every establishment is festive and cheerful. Ice skating, driving around to look at the winter lights, attending fun concerts, and bundling up for a brisk nature walk are all totally my speed this time of year. And every one of these outings reminds me why I love the winter.

12. Winter Fashion Is the Best
Maybe this is a shallow one, but I’ll admit it: I love the winter chill because it gives me an excuse to wear all my favorite wardrobe staples. Cute wool coats and soft, colorful scarves. My signature arm warmers and adorable boots. Layering sweaters and cute cardigans and my beloved winter hats. I just love the style of winter clothing and all the fun textures and layering opportunities. It sure beats sweating in skimpy summer fabrics that do nothing to hide love handles and sweat stains. Not cute.
13. Charm & Wonder at Every Turn
There’s just something about a fine layer of frost, a string of lights, and the smell of winter in the air that just screams charming. Maybe that’s the real reason Hallmark romance is such a thing. Because winter reminds us of all the traditional beauty and Old World vintage atmosphere that make everything feel special. Maybe it’s the feeling of walking out on a winter night, your breath misting in the air, the stars sharp in the night sky, and the snow hushing your footsteps that makes you feel so small in the big majestic world. Winter has a natural feeling of wonder and magic to it that’s hard to explain. But if you stand outside in the snowy silence for a few minutes, you’ll understand what I mean.

14. Did I Mention Curling Up with a Good Book?
I know, I know. You get it: there are a lot of reasons to love the winter. And maybe I’m working too hard to see the good in a season that also comes with scraping windshields, catching the flu, and battling seasonal depression. But I do genuinely love this time of year. And I have every intention of grabbing some hot chocolate and my favorite blanket right this very minute. ❧