If you’re wondering who Snow White actually is, my name is Sara. I write retold fairy tales for young adults, and I have a bachelor’s degree in English and editing from Brigham Young University—a degree I actually use I’ll have you know. I’ve been a professional editor, copywriter, and content marketer in the tech industry for over ten years. But I knew by age six that I wanted to be a novelist.
Growing up, I was a voracious reader with a highly overactive imagination. I started many stories and made up my own mystery series and science fiction series by the time I was ten. By thirteen, I wrote the lion’s share of my first manuscript about the adventures of two rabbits in their little forest village. Then high school and life happened. Soon I was too busy to do more than think about writing someday. By the time I graduated college, I had still never finished anything.
By age twenty-six, I finally completed my first book! It was a little out there: a horror version of Beauty and the Beast with demonic possession and a heartrending love story. But once I got a taste of finishing, I never went back. I’ve completed six different books, and my seventh is in the works. These days I’m actively hunting for an agent and hope to get published soon.
If I’m not writing (or thinking about my writing), I’m probably watching YouTube, reading, cooking, home decorating, and spending every minute possible with my adorable baby and dashing husband. Andy and I have been married four years, and our family lives in Orem, Utah. I used to think fairy tales weren’t real until I lived one of my own. It’s still going!
This blog is a culmination of my lifelong love of fairy tales and my desire to document my publishing journey. If you’d like me to write about a specific tale, explore a topic, answer your questions, or just chat, you can email me at snowwhitewritesfairytales@gmail.com. Thanks for reading!


Beatrix Potter
This writer and artist is THE reason six-year-old me decided to write. If you haven’t read her delightful illustrated children’s books, read them. Please.

William Shakespeare
Like any self-respecting English major, I bow to the Bard. His storytelling, characters, and wit are glorious to read and even more glorious to watch live.

Gail Carson Levine
Ella Enchanted and Fairest are two of my all-time favorite retold fairy tales. I owe Levine’s work for helping me find the exact genre I wanted to write.

Classic Fairy Tales
Shocking, I know. I loved fairy tales before I could even read. The Brothers Grimm, Charles Perrault, Hans Christian Anderson, Walt Disney, the works.

Hayao Miyazaki
I was an adult before I discovered the wonder of Miyazaki’s animated films. His portrayal of strong heroines and bizarre magic is a must watch.

J K Rowling
Is there any millennial who doesn’t love Harry Potter? I’m obsessed with Jo’s writing style and have loved every second of this cultural phenomenon.